Tyres Chapel Green
Do you often drive to Chapel Green with your family on weekends? If you do, then you should be aware of a trustworthy auto garage in the neighbourhood.
Coventry Tyres is an auto shop stocking tyres of almost every reputed tyre manufacturing brand. Other than selling tyres, we also offer a variety of tyre and car services Chapel Green.

Fastest Route: Avail A45 route to reach us within 15 minutes (approximately).
List Of Car Manufacturers We Offer Service
Whether you own Jaguar or Ford, we offer services to nearly every renowned company such as:
- Mazda
- Mercedes
- Citroen
- Land Rover
- Toyota, & many more
Top-rated Tyres Chapel Green
You will find nearly all ranges of tyres in our inventory as we prioritise our customer's budgetary needs. Refer to the below-mentioned ranges of tyres are as follows:
- Premium Tyres
- Mid-range Tyres
Are you wondering about cheap tyres?
Coventry Tyres also retail a variety of cheap tyres Chapel Green. Here are the following range of tyres:
- Van tyres
- Run-flat tyres
- Summer tyres
- All-season tyres
- Winter tyres
- Performance tyres
- 4x4 tyres
- Part-worn tyres
If you are searching for ‘puncture repair near me’ on your phone, then instead of doing so, contact us at 024 7647 0825 or visit our store.
Quality Car Services
All technicians at our garage are well-trained and experienced in their domain. All of them know how to provide effective yet faster services to you. You can also get an instant quote over a phone call from our end.
Without wasting any more of your precious time, connect with us for vehicular services. We have listed some of our car services that you can choose from.
- Brake Repair & Replacement
- Air Conditioning Services
- Checking And Replacing Batteries
- Suspension Checks
- Wheel Balancing & so on
Our garage also offers interim, full and major car servicing Chapel Green at budget-friendly pricing.
We use all modern technologies and equipment to perform Hunter wheel alignment and deliver optimum quality service to you.
For future vehicular assistance connect with us by directly calling us or mailing us at arsen2189@gmail.com. Visit us any day you feel like as we are available 7 days a week from 8:30 am to 6 pm.
Opening Times
- Monday 08:30 - 18:00
- Tuesday 08:30 - 18:00
- Wednesday 08:30 - 18:00
- Thursday 08:30 - 18:00
- Friday 08:30 - 18:00
- Saturday 08:30 - 18:00
- Sunday 08:30 - 18:00